Walk Across Tennessee

Walk Across Tennessee banner logo


All you need is a team of 2-5 people and a desire to get moving. Teams do not really walk together, although they may if they want to. Here are the “steps” to Walk Across Tennessee.

Step 1: Form a team of 2 to 5 (1 captain and 1 to 4 members).

Step 2: Captain will distribute materials to team members.

Step 3: Captain will complete a Team Registration Form and send it with the team’s Individual Registration Forms to the UT Extension Office.

Step 4: Each team member will keep an Individual Log Form. The captain and team members will record their mileage between Friday and Thursday each week.

Step 5: Members will notify their captain each week with mileage total.

Step 6: Captains will record their own and their member’s mileage on the Team Captain’s Log, determine the total number of miles walked by the team that week, and then go to the website to log your team’s week total miles.

Step 7:
Start Date: March 18, 2016
Finish Date: April 29, 2016

The purpose of the Walk Across TN program is to promote walking for health benefits. You are allowed to use pedometers to record miles walked for exercise only.

Walk Across Tennessee guy logo

Important Forms

Weekly Miles Turn-in Form (Turned in by Captains weekly)

Miles Turn-In Form

Things you will need & Helpful Links:

2016 Captain’s Log

2016 Team Registration Form 

2016 Individual Registration Form

2016 Individual Mileage Log

2016 Wrap-up Sheet

Conversion Chart